I had high expectations of this game. Now, let me get this straight..
"ONE car on the track? ONE track? ONE type of race? NO multiplayer option? You cant be serious. I just cant understand the decent rating this game has drawn. How long do you expect people to play with this before getting bored and moving on to something else? Are you TRYING to hurt the sport of IndyCar Racing? The only reason I am giving this game a high rating is because I dont want to contribute to IndyCars demise. In one word, if I had to describe this game overall, the word would be ABYSMAL."
THAT was my review a week ago. Now, since the update, I completely retract this, and will be taking it down shortly. The new update gives you something to shoot for, which I like. I am now #1 on the charts, and it was a lot of work and fun getting there.
More tracks, more cars, longer races and multiplayer options are the only things to be added at this point, but after this latest update I am confident the developers will get there.
SAVATS about Champ Cars Speedway