Very cool game with good graphics!!!!!!!
Very cool game with good graphics!!!!!!!
piece of crap
This game is whole lot of fun! More AI drivers while racing would be fun, but a great free game nevertheless!
This is a great game and all, but please add touch controls rather than just tilt. If you do this, then I can give you that fifth star. Thanks!
This game is a lot of fun. But, just like real racing, it takes practice, practice, practice. Setting up the car is a bit tricky, but with persistence, it pays off in the race. Start easy, work your way up the racing ladder and it becomes great fun. Auto throttle is great...its full throttle most of the time anyway. Passing takes patience. So far, I have not paid anything (sorry). But racing pays for everything. Still working up the racing ladder. Thanks for a great game.
Youd get five stars if only you put the touch steering on this game...
AI constantly throws double blocks, or just flat out wrecks you..... Impossible to advance.... And, highly illegal blocking moves in INDYCAR/Cart. And, this was my complaint past 3 years. NOTHING has been changed. FIX THIS ISSUE!!!! Developers obviously do not care about us, so dont spend any real money. PERIOD!
Game shows promise. Now make more cars and better tracks and Im sure you could get INDYCAR on board. Thanks for the Wheldon tribute at the end! Classy!! #RIPDan
Only one option of car and is like a head to head racing and only one track? Come on put more things in the game
I had high expectations of this game. Now, let me get this straight.. "ONE car on the track? ONE track? ONE type of race? NO multiplayer option? You cant be serious. I just cant understand the decent rating this game has drawn. How long do you expect people to play with this before getting bored and moving on to something else? Are you TRYING to hurt the sport of IndyCar Racing? The only reason I am giving this game a high rating is because I dont want to contribute to IndyCars demise. In one word, if I had to describe this game overall, the word would be ABYSMAL." THAT was my review a week ago. Now, since the update, I completely retract this, and will be taking it down shortly. The new update gives you something to shoot for, which I like. I am now #1 on the charts, and it was a lot of work and fun getting there. More tracks, more cars, longer races and multiplayer options are the only things to be added at this point, but after this latest update I am confident the developers will get there.
In the game I had a perfect chance of winning a game and then my car all of a sudden my car crashes stupid and no multiplayer and I think there could be a car shop!!?!?!
Would be an "ok" game (maybe three stars), but the steering control is really bad. Even at min steering response it is very twitchy. Look at RealRacing 2 for how steering should work.
Latest update renders the car undrivable. I could not complete a single lap without crashing unless I slowed down so much that it became pointless. Not fun at all.
At first I had a lot of fun with this game. But all of the sudden the CPU is super fast on level ten and Im going in the 200s or faster almost all race long.
Good game but in app purchase needs work. Bought in app purchase to remove adds, but minute I entered garage, ads appeared again and now I cant get rid of them.
I love this game. Im on level 18. It would be pretty sweet to include descriptions in the car setup, saying what each adjustment does. It would also be cool to have multiplayer. And WHY ISNT IT ON THE APP STORE ANYMORE?
Lags all the time when starting and an actual pit stop would be great. 2nd request on pit stop
So much lag because of the ads you cant drive it. If I bought the game would it get any better without the ads?
Petty good game, I think more tracks need to be added
Game is really fun for awhile. But only 1 track and only 1 opponent! Also after level 5 the CPU becomes so fast you cannot catch him